Other: Fake Cryptocurrency Exch


I am writing to report a phishing domain, "Boomchange.com" & "Boomchange.io" that is designed to deceive unsuspecting cryptocurrency users into transferring their funds to a rogue account. This scam has resulted in significant losses of cryptocurrencies to its victims.The website is designed to look like a legitimate platform, leading unsuspecting users to transfer their funds to an unauthorized actor who subsequently steals the cryptocurrency. The scam has caused a significant loss of funds, and I urge you to take appropriate action to stop the activities of phishing groups like this.The website URL is "Boomchange.com", with the fake company name, “Boomchange LTD”. The amount of cryptocurrency stolen from victims remains undisclosed, but it is a significant amount of Bitcoin.Furthermore, I have obtained information regarding the new bitcoin scam address that the fraudsters are using to transfer the stolen Bitcoin from victims. The new address is "bc1qr0avgajde8y37qadrtjd4vt6sdvl9dgq7j6ckj".I urge you to investigate this report and take swift action to bring the perpetrators of this scam to justice. It is crucial to protect unsuspecting victims from phishing scams and ensure that cryptocurrency transactions are safe and secure.Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. More detail about the "Boomchange" SCAM: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5454622.0

Amount lost

200000.00 USD

on Nov 3, 2023
Reported Addresses and Domains

Reported Addresses and Domains


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Stolen Bitcoin SCAM



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Stolen Bitcoin SCAM
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Stolen Bitcoin SCAM
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Stolen Bitcoin SCAM
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Stolen Ether SCAM



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