1 fraude Relatórios



Transfer $1000 in bitcoin to the following address: _x000D_ 12jMakHmLbwreQziHGEg1VS8HH1Xk*Xv3nL_x000D_ Copy and paste it, and remove * from it. ._x000D_ _x000D_ You might be wondering why the heck would you do that?_x000D_ _x000D_ Well, put together yourself because I am going to tremble your entire world now. I had a dangerous spyware infect your own pc and also record video clip of YOU (using your web camera) while you looked at adult websites._x000D_ _x000D_ Heres one of your own password <blablabla>_x000D_ _x000D_ Nonetheless dont believe me? Respond 3 and Ill be randomly share your video clip with the people you know (Yes, Ive access to your address book also)._x000D_ _x000D_ At this moment, what can I want to make this entire thing fade away? Very well, I have already described the deal in starting of the message. If you dont fulfill it within Twenty four hours, Im going to make your life horrible by mailing that video clip to Everybody you know. Your time starts now.

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Logotipo do Bitcoin

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Logotipo da TRMLogotipo da SolanaLogotipo do círculoLogotipo da OpenseaLogotipo da AaveLogotipo da BinanceLogotipo cívicoLogotipo da HederaLogotipo da Rasomwhe.re