2 Scam Reports

Romance Scam


She harasses me now since over one week with this begging mails and also with a set of begging clips. All taken in the same dress. She knows that she`s burned but she continues, also with forged boarding pass, E-tickets, passport etc. BTC wallet is since one week the same after the first collapsed. If I don't receive the money before departure, then I will have to surrender my ticket and lose money. We only have one day left and one chance!!!!! So I ask you for the last time - Should I wait for your help? Remind you -my bank card details: My full name is AIZARA TOKENOVA. Name bank - HALYK BANK. Bank card number – 4003 0351 2894 3169. The bank is located in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Use the PaySend or TransferGo systems https:/ /paysend.com/ https: .transfergo.com/ Or send money to my bank account at the same bank: IBAN for USD – KZ48 6010 0020 5031 3779 IBAN for EURO - KZ21 6010 0020 5031 3780 Swift Code Bank: HSBKKZKX or send money to my bitcoin wallet - bc1q7ty0zurptnm9tn0638yp774v46dx3h9mzav5zw You can send bitcoins online: https:/ /coinflip.tech https:/.coinmama.com https:/ /trustwallet.com Or use a bitcoin ATM: https:/ /coinflip.tech https:/ /coinatmradar.com/bitcoin-atm-near-me Also a QR-Cod photo of my wallet. Just scan this code and the money will go to my wallet.

Reported Address
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Romance Scam


I’m sorry that in our relationship with you, so early, we started talking about money. But it happens. I really need $1025. And I really hope that you will send me this money to my account. send money to my bitcoin wallet - bc1q7ty0zurptnm9tn0638yp774v46dx3h9mzav5zw You can send bitcoins online: https:/ /coinflip.tech https:/.coinmama.com https:/ /trustwallet.com Or use a bitcoin ATM: https:/ /coinflip.tech https:/ /coinatmradar.com/bitcoin-atm-near-me

Reported Address
Reported Address
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