1 Scam Reports

Other: investment scram


In july 2020 i’ve got a phonecall of a manager ( jason hunt) from winngroups to explain the benefiet to invest in their professionality in tradings. The minimum was 300€ and that was the startingpack. A few days later he said , look at your account, and there was 341€ on it. Then i’ve got a new manager (dan devies)and he convinced me to deposit more (5000€)for more profits. July 2020. I said yes, But i want a withdrawl of 300€ which i recieved. The next month he called 2-3 times a week to show me my profits. In september 2020 he said to diposit more to get a silver membership (10000 dollar). So another 5000€ and it went good. In oktober 2020 i’ve got a new superieur manager (john bryce) and he called me once a week after trading with my account. In november 2020 he convinced me to go for a gold membership (25000 dollar). So i diposit 11000€ , but there were no tradingsessions more. After a few weeks he mailed me to say he had a medical issue and now will work harder. Then he mailed me only once again to make a phone appointement, but i never heard him again. My account is still visibel and i tryed 2 times to withdrawl money, but 2 times my request were cancelled

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