1 Scam Reports

Other Blackmail Scam


I bought $207 worth of bitcoin for investment. After sending it to the required address I was promised a returned profit. But was lied to. He wanted me to invest more money. I explained to him that I'm a struggling single father and that was all I had left and was hoping to make a profit from it to support my kids. He didn't like my answer and told me to leave cold heartedly. The next day he'd admitted that he made a mistake on my investment level. He only apologized because the fear of losing his job. Then he lied about sending me my profit an hour after that. He said he'd sent it and said it should arrive in 2 hours. A day later I still haven't received it. I messaged him and asked about it...I was told to invest more money. He constantly forced me to send him money money every time I asked him a question. I have screenshots of our conversation via text messages. I have paid him $260 total and still have not received any profit as he'd promised. He continued to verbally abuse me because I didn't send him more money.

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