1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


My ʋirus started recording your web browser and your camera every time you ɱαstuŗbαted during last 2 weeks._x000D_ While my ʋirus is not perfect it managed to record 6 videos clearly showing_x000D_ you ɱαstuŗbαting.._x000D_ _x000D_ Call me whatever you want, a criminal or a dick, but this is just my job._x000D_ I do this on regular basis and I recorded hundreds of people, but you are_x000D_ SPECIAL._x000D_ Why? Because of the aberrant and perverse videos you were watching while_x000D_ ɱαstuŗbαting - you know what I mean!_x000D_ _x000D_ Now I am your master, and you are my slave..

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