1 Scam Reports



Hi! Your files are encrypted._x000D_ All encrypted files for this computer has extension: xxxxx_x000D_ _x000D_ --_x000D_ If for some reason you read this text before the encryption ended,_x000D_ this can be understood by the fact that the computer slows down,_x000D_ and your heart rate has increased due to the ability to turn it off,_x000D_ then we recommend that you move away from the computer and accept that you have been compromised._x000D_ Rebooting/shutdown will cause you to lose files without the possibility of recovery._x000D_ _x000D_ --_x000D_ Our encryption algorithms are very strong and your files are very well protected,_x000D_ the only way to get your files back is to cooperate with us and get the decrypter program._x000D_ _x000D_ Do not try to recover your files without a decrypter program, you may damage them and then they will be impossible to recover._x000D_ _x000D_ For us this is just business and to prove to you our seriousness, we will decrypt you one file for free._x000D_ Just open our website, upload the encrypted file and get the decrypted file for free._x000D_ _x000D_ Additionally, you must know that your sensitive data has been stolen by our analyst experts and if you choose to no cooperate with us, you are exposing yourself_x000D_ to huge penalties with lawsuits and government if we both dont find an agreement. We have seen it before; cases with multi million costs in fines and lawsuits,_x000D_ not to mention the company reputation and losing clients trust and the medias calling non-stop for answers. Come chat with us and you could be surprised on how_x000D_ fast we both can find an agreement without getting this incident public._x000D_ _x000D_ --_x000D_ _x000D_ Steps to get access on our website:_x000D_ _x000D_ 1.Download and install tor-browser: https://torproject.org/_x000D_ _x000D_ 2.Open our website: pb36hu4spl6cyjdfhing7h3pw6dhpk32ifemawkujj4gp33ejzdq3did.onion_x000D_ If the website is not available, open another one: rnfdsgm6wb6j6su5txkekw4u4y47kp2eatvu7d6xhyn5cs4lt4pdrqqd.onion_x000D_ _x000D_ 3.Put your personal code in the input form:

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