1 Scam Reports



I host a forum in the darknet, I sell all kinds of services - basically it is damage to business and harm. In the main, all but the shooting. Often this happens because of rejected love or competition at workplace. This month she contacted me and set me the order of pour out acid in your face. Standard practice - quickly, hurts, for life. Without too much fuss. I get receive only after finishing the order. Thus, now I suggest you send money to me to be inactive, I suggest this to nearly all the victims. If I do not see money from you, then my person will fulfill the mission. If you transfer me money, besides to my inaction, I will give you the information that I have about the customer. After completing the task, I often lose the performer, so I have a choice, to get $1500 from you for information about the customer and my inaction, or to get $5000 from the customer, but with a big probability of spending the performer. ... The sum I indicated above. One day to transfer.

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