1 Scam Reports



I am reaching out to inquire about a scam that I have just been apart of. This morning I awoke to a call from a 1-800 number informing me that my social security had been compromised, I was being implicated with money laundering, and that I would be arrested if I did not comply. I was told that I would need to withdrawal all of the money from my checking and savings account and deposit it into a coinsource ATM near me. The ATM I deposited into was located at 1221 S Washington Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55415 inside a Bobby and Steves gas station. The amount deposited was $4,495.00 and the wallet address is 1PZgy4Bj8FM9qeiR4x6GFMYUVXzT6TvbgL and the transaction ID is LJQ4HG-1573067927

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