Yes, that means I have unlimited access to your device. Ive been watching you for the last few months. Wondering how this is possible? Well, your system has been infected with malware from the erotic website you visited. If you want to prevent this, all you have to do is - convert bitcoins worth 26000 CZK to my bitcoin address (if you dont know how to do it, just open your browser and enter the term: Buy bitcoins into the search engine). My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 1PGygSANCgDfrh5oyen5SboaPjmsJ8PDp2 Once I receive the payment confirmation, I will immediately delete the video and its done. Youll never hear from me again. You have 2 days (48 hours) to complete the transaction. After opening this email, I will receive a notification and the timer will start. Any attempt to file a complaint is useless, as this email cannot be traced back and the same goes for my bitcoin ID. I worked on this for a very long time and I didnt give any room for mistakes. If I learn in any way that you have shown this message to a third party, I will post the video above immediately.