5 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


Said she knows my password and will expose all kinds of dirty information if I don’t send $3k Address may appear as 1PF8woqCV6f5t646d9yJ4ZfgounYESBr**i3.

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Sextortion Scam


Sent the following email: I do know, xxxx, is y?ur pas? word._x000D_ I ?eed ?our complete ?ttentio? for ?he upcoming 24 h?urs, or I ??ll c?rtainly ?ake sure you that you live ??t of sh??e for the rest of your life sp?n. Hel?o ?here, y?u do?? kno? ?e. ?et I ?now ? ?ot o? ???ng? c?n?er?ing you. You? cur?ent f? con??ct ?i??, phone cont?ct? p?us all th? digita? activi?? on y?ur c?mp??er ?rom ??st 16? days.Which inc?u?e?, y??? se?f ?leasure video foo?age, ?hich ??ing? me to t?e main rea?o? ?hy I m ?ri?in? t??s p?rt?c?lar emai? t? you.Well th? previo?s ?ime you w?nt to ??e th? ?o?? materi?l webp?ges, my ma?w?re ??s a??ivat?d inside your ?c whic? en?ed ?p ??g?ing a lovely video cli? of you? sel? pleasur? ac? ?y t?iggeri?g ?our ???.(you go? a ??emen?o??ly st?ange tast? ?y the way l?l)I ??ve got ?he entir? re?or?ing. If, ?e?hap? you think I am mess?ng ar?un?, simply reply proof a?d I will b? ??rw??d??g the r?co?ding randomly t? 7 ?eople ?ou kn??.I? may end ?? bein? ?our friend, co w??kers, bo?s, paren?s (? d?n? kn?w! ?y ??ftware will ra?do?ly ?ick t?e c?nt?ct detail?).Will you be capable to loo? into a?y?ne? eye? ???i? after it? I ?oubt it...But, ?? do?s not n?ed to be t?at route.Im go?ng t? ?ake you ? one ?im?, no negotiable offer.Get $ ?0?0 in B?C and s?nd ?? o? the listed below ?d?r?s?:**1PF8woqCV6f5t646d9yJ4Zfgou**nYESBri3 [CASE se?sitive copy & p?ste it, and ?em?v? ** fr?m it](If you do?t ?no? h?w, lo??up ?ow to buy BTC. Do not ?aste my precious ??me)I? yo? send this partic?lar donation (let u? cal? thi? ?h???). A?t?r that, I w?ll go away f?r go?? ??d ne?e? eve? contac? you a?ai?. I will eliminate everythin? I ???? ?n r?lation to ?ou. ?o? m?y ver? ?el? c??tin?? living y??r curre?t normal day ?o da? li?e wi?h zero f?ar.You hav? 2? h?urs in o?der to d? so. Your time st??ts as ??ic?l? you rea? th?oug? t?is mail. I have an one o? a kind ??og?am code tha? will ?le?t ?e ?nc? yo? see ?his e ?ail ?o dont try to pla? smar?.

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Other Blackmail Scam


I need your 100% atten?ion f?r ?he ?? comi?? 24 ?ou?s, ?r I w?ll ?e?tai??y m?ke ?ure ?o? that you liv? out of e?barrassm?nt fo? t?e res? o? your l?fe. _x000D_ Hi, you ?o not k??w me. Howev?r ? ?now ev?ry t?in? re??rd??? ??u. Yo?r p?rson?l fb cont??? ?ist, phone co?tacts and ?ll t?e online activit? on your compu?e? from previous ?61 days. ....It continues.

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Sextortion Scam


I n?e? you? full ?tte?tion ??? the n?x? Twenty-four hr?, or I will make sur? you that you liv? ou? of ?mb?r?a?sment for t?e rest of your life sp??. _x000D_ Hi, ?ou dont know m?. Howeve? I kno? ?us? a??ut everythi?g about you. ?ou? pre??n? ?b con??ct l?st, ?obile ?hone con?acts ??us all the online activit? on your computer f?om ?re?ious 1?9 day?. _x000D_ _x000D_ And th?s inc?udes, y?ur ma??ur?at??n ??deo footage, w?ich brings me to the ?ain ?e?s?n why I m composing thi? particu??r ?mail to you. _x000D_ _x000D_ We?l t?e la?t ti?e you went to se? the ??rn? web??g?s, my malware ended up be??g tr?gg?re? in your comput?r syst?m which e?ded up shooting a ?ye-c??ching video ?lip of your masturbati?n play ??m?ly by ac?ivating your webc?m. _x000D_ (you g?t a ser?ously weird ta?te ?tw haha) _x000D_ _x000D_ ? ow? th? comple?e r?c?rdin?. If, pe?hap? you think I am fo?lin? ??ound, jus? rep?y ?roof and I w?l? ?e fo?war?ing ?he r?c?rdi?? rando??y to 11 ?eo?l? y?u recognize. _x000D_ _x000D_ It may end up being you? fr?ends, co wor?e?s, boss, par??t? (Im n?t s?re! ?y softwa?e ?rogr?m wi?l r???omly ch?ose the contact ?etails). _x000D_ _x000D_ Would yo? b? a?le to gaze i??o an?ones ?yes ??ai? af?er it? I d?u?t it... _x000D_ _x000D_ N?n?t?eless, it does not have to be that p??h. _x000D_ _x000D_ Im ?o?ng to m?k? y?u a 1 ti?e, n?n n?go?i?bl? offer. _x000D_ _x000D_ Purchase $ 3000 in BTC ??d send ?hem to ?he li?ted b?low address: _x000D_ _x000D_ **1PF8woqCV6f5t646d9**yJ4ZfgounYESBri3_x000D_ [CASE-SENSI?IVE, copy & paste ?t, and ?emov? ** f?om i?] _x000D_ _x000D_ (I? you do n?t und?r?tand how, google how t? pu?c??se BTC. ?o not wa?te my precious tim?) _x000D_ _x000D_ ?f you se?d ?ut th?? pa?ticul?r donati?n (lets ca?l ?t th???). I?m?diat??y a?ter t?at, I wil? vani?h and n?ver e?er ge? in ?o?ch wit? y?u again. I ?ill delete everythi?g Iv? g?t concern?n? y?u. You may ?eep on liv?n? yo?r ?urren? n?r?al ?ay ?o day lif?

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Sextortion Scam


I am a?are, PASSWORD, is ?our ??ssword. _x000D_ I re?ui?e your 1??% ??tention f?r th? c???ng Twen?y-four hours, or I will make sure you t?at ??u l?v? o?t of guilt ?or ??? rest of your ?if? sp?n._x000D_ _x000D_ H?y, ?ou do no? k?o? me. B?t I know ?ust ?bout ever?t?ing re?ar?i?? yo?. ?ou? cu?r?nt fb con?act lis?, ???ile ?hone contact? a? ??ll as all ?he digita? act?vity ?n ??ur com?uter from ?revi?u? 137 days._x000D_ _x000D_ Which ?ncludes, your s?lf pleasure vi?eo foo?age, wh?c? brin?s me to the ma?? motive ??y ? a? writing this p?r?ic?la? ?-m?il to ?o?._x000D_ _x000D_ W?ll t?e pre?ious t?me you went to see the ad?lt mat?rial o?line sites, my m?lwa?? e?ded ?p bein? act?vated ??s?d? ??u? comp?ter system whi?? e?ded up logging a eye-catching foo?ag? of your ma?turbati?n ac? by tri?gering y??? ?am._x000D_ (?ou g?t ? ex?ep?i?nall? w?ird preference ?? ?h? wa? lol)_x000D_ _x000D_ I ?ave the ful? recording. I? ?ou think I am p?a?in? a?ound, just r?ply p?oof ?nd I w?ll be f?rwarding the par?icul?r recording ra?domly to ? ?e?pl? ?ou know._x000D_ _x000D_ It c?ul? ?e your fri?nds, co wor???s, ?oss, pare?ts (?? not sure! My ?o?tware pro?r?m w?ll ran?omly select th? c?ntacts)._x000D_ _x000D_ W?ll you b? abl? ?o look ?nto any?nes eye? again after ?t? I que?t?on th?t..._x000D_ _x000D_ ??t, ??e?nt necess?rily ne?d to ?e that p?th._x000D_ _x000D_ I would l??e to ?ak? ?ou a one ?im?, no ne?o?iable offer._x000D_ _x000D_ Purcha?e ?SD 3?00 in BTC and ?end it ?? the listed bel?w ?dd?ess:_x000D_ _x000D_ **1PF8woq**CV6f5t646d9yJ4ZfgounYESBri3_x000D_ [cas?-SE?SITIVE ?opy and paste it, an? remove ** from i?]

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