1 Scam Reports



Received the following: I have a site in the darkweb, I sell all sorts of services - ab√∏ve all it is damage t√∏ pr√∏perty and injury. ab√∏ve all, all but the murder. Often main reas√∏ns are rejected love √∏r c√∏mpetiti√∏n at work. This week she contacted me and gave me the task of p√∏ur √∏ut sourness in y√∏ur face. Default task - fast, painfully, forever. With√∏ut t√∏√∏ much fuss. I get receive only after d√∏ing the task. Thus, n√∏w I suggest y√∏u pay me t√∏ be inactive, I suggest this t√∏ nearly all the victims. If I d√∏ n√∏t receive money from y√∏u, then my person will fulfill the √∏rder. If y√∏u send me money, besides to my inaction, I will pr√∏vide you the inf√∏rmati√∏n that I have about the client. After c√∏mpleting the √∏rder, I always l√∏se the perf√∏rmer, so I have a ch√∏ice, t√∏ get $16√òO fr√∏m y√∏u f√∏r information ab√∏ut the cust√∏mer and my inaction, √∏r to receive $ 40√ò0 from the customer, but with a high probability of waisting the perf√∏rmer.

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