1 Scam Reports



Email contents: _x000D_ You agree with the statistics which claims that men once in a while wank? But currently other men dont interest me. Were gonna talk particularly about u, since the mess with this habit is only on you. Ur hobby is similar to drug dependency. It could be said that youre sick. I provide you with 36 hours to meet my demands BTC 1LuWjuV8rfnw31QHQYmY21X2LDFKspoNV1 1150 usd. When my requisitions are satisfied, I will destroy the mess on u. U may try to implore me, but after emailing the notice I will delete the address. For you to understand the extent of this problem, I have copied the contacts from your mail and I am going to share ur video clip with ur loved ones. I dont know yet the additional way Ill share your vid. I can advise u to cover the camera of your device while practicing this sort of things. Nobody guarantees that ur device is protected against external interference. If you flout me, in ninety h your public image is gonna be totally destroyed in the eyes of human beings. Faithfulness to your lover is the best protection against such type of situations.

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