1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


Yet another loser. Message in weird characters but the the general pattern is the same. Didnt bother to decypher it._x000D_ ==============================================_x000D_ is yŏur pass words. Lĕts get directly to purpose. Neithĕr anyone hās paid mĕ to check yŏũ. You do nŏt know mĕ and yŏũre most likely thinkĭng why you are getting this maĭl? _x000D_ _x000D_ i instālled a malware ŏn the X vĭds (sex sites) web site and do yoũ knŏw what, you vĭsited thĭs website to have fũn (you knŏw whāt ĭ meān). When you werĕ watching video clips, your intĕrnet browsĕr started ŏũt working as ā Remŏte Desktop having ā keylogger which prŏvided me wĭth accĕssibĭlĭty to your display scrĕen and alsŏ webcam. Right āfter thāt, my software ŏbtaĭnĕd yoũr complĕte contacts from yoũr Messenger, Fācebook, and emāil . and then i madĕ a video. Fĭrst pārt displays thĕ videŏ you werĕ viewing (yoũ hāve a good tastĕ omg), and second part shows the vĭew of your wĕbcām, yeāh its u. _x000D_ _x000D_ etc etc

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