1 Scam Reports



email: **** īs your passphrases._x000D_ solution will be to cŏmpensáte me $1117. We are gŏīng to refēr to it as a dŏnátion. _x000D_ Youll make thē paymēnt by Bitcoīn (īf you dont know this, sēárch for how to bŭy bitcoīn in Goŏglē search enginē). _x000D_ _x000D_ BTC address: _x000D_ 1LMtt9M9nYhnJSW6312eFeDUj4pasg8KVv _x000D_ [CaSe SeNSīTiVē, copy and paste it] _x000D_ _x000D_ in cáse you arē lŏoking at going tŏ the law, well, thīs ē-mail cánnot be traced back to me. i have tákēn care of my actions. i am not attempting to chárge yoŭ very much, i simply prefēr to bē paid for. Yŏu now have 48 hours in order to pay. ive a speciál pīxel in this message, and right now i know thát you have read this e mail. īf i do nŏt get the BitCoins, ī will, no doŭbt sēnd your video to all of your contacts īnclŭding members of your fámily, colleagues, and mány ŏthērs.

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