3 Scam Reports

Other Blackmail Scam


Person emailed me with an old password of mine in the subject line, saying like they would release information about my browsing history to my contacts if I wouldnt pay $900 to the above Bitcoin wallet

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Im the hacker who broke your e mail and device a couple of months back. You entered your pwd on one of the sites you visited, and I intercepted this. _x000D_ However it will not really matter, my own malicious software updated it each and every time. _x000D_ Do not try to contact me or even find me, it is impossible, since I sent you mail from your email account only. _x000D_ I saved your entire contacts together with buddies, colleagues, loved ones and the comprehensive histo ;ry of visits to the Internet resources. _x000D_ I am in great shock of your own fantasies! Ive certainly not seen anything at all like this! _x000D_ So, when you had fun on piquant internet sites (you know what I mean!) I made screenshot with utilizing my program via your camera of yours device. _x000D_ There will certainly be giggling when I send these images to your acquaintances! _x000D_ Therefore, I expect payment from you with regard to my quiet. _x000D_ I believe $900 is an appropriate cost for it! _x000D_ Pay with Bitcoins.

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Other Blackmail Scam


Sent an e-mail (made it appear to come from my own address), listed an old password I certainly have used somewhere once before on one service or another, claims to have compromised my system with trojan horse/spyware (accessed webcam while I use porn sites), threatens to send footage of me masturbating to my contacts if I do not deposit money in bitcoin account. I have no shame. I do not care who sees my nuts.

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