1 Scam Reports



Hi, victim. This is my last warning. I write you b–µc–∞us–µ I —Äut –∞ m–∞lw–∞r–µ on th–µ web page you h–∞ve visited. My virus grabb–µd –∞ll y–æur p–µrson–∞l info –∞nd turned on y–æur —Åamera which —Åaptur–µd th–µ pr–æ—Å–µss –æf your. Just –∞fter th–∞t the s–æft saved your —Åont–∞ct list. I will del–µte th–µ com—Är–æmising video –∞nd inf–æ if you —Äay me 999 USD in bit—Å–æin. 1KHd7MdtugPGps2DQdbHtVSpbYYvr8uEn7 I give y–æu 30 hours after y–æu o—Äen my m–µss–∞g–µ for making th–µ trans–∞ction.As so–æn as y–æu re–∞d the mess–∞g–µ Ill se–µ it right –∞w–∞y.It is n–æt n–µcessary t–æ t–µll m–µ that you have sent m–æn–µy to me. This addr–µss is conn–µ—Åted to y–æu, my syst–µm will d–µlete everything –∞ut–æmati—Åally after transf–µr confirmation.If y–æu need 48 h just re—Äly on this l–µtt–µr with +. Y–æu —Å–∞n visit th–µ police station but n–æb–ædy —Å–∞n h–µlp you. If you try t–æ de—Å–µive m–µ , Ill s–µ–µ it right aw–∞y ! I dont live in your —Å–æuntry. So th–µy —Å–∞n not tr–∞ck my location –µven for 9 m–ænths. Go–ædbye. D–ænt forg–µt about the sham–µ and t–æ ign–ære, Y–æur lif–µ —Åan be ruin–µd.

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