3 Scam Reports



they say I hope you will not care about my language sentence structure, considering that im from Philippines. I toxified your device with a trojan and im in possession of your private data etc etc

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Other Blackmail Scam


Hello there, _x000D_ Expect you actually will not mind my english grammar, considering that im from Saudi_x000D_ arabia. I infected your system with a trojan and im in possession of all your personal_x000D_ information out of your operating-system. _x000D_ _x000D_ It previously was set up on a mature website after which you have picked the video, _x000D_ it, my application immediately got into your system. _x000D_ _x000D_ Afterward, your web-cam captured you soloing, in addition i caught a footage that_x000D_ youve viewed. _x000D_ _x000D_ After some time additionally, it pulled out your social contact list. In case you need_x000D_ me to wipe out your all that i have got - transfer me 440 dollars in bitcoin it is a_x000D_ crypto. Its my btc wallet address - 1JegxSxCbMZWorrRkyvVTdLuHnhMtn4Wi7 _x000D_ _x000D_ At this point you will have 28hours. to decide Immediately after i will get the_x000D_ transaction im going get rid of this movie and every thing thoroughly. If not, you_x000D_ should be sure that the video is going to be submitted to all your friends.

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Other Blackmail Scam


Another failed attempt at blackmail. Says he is from Denmark but that is probably a lie like everything else in the email. Says he put malware on a mature web page and when I visited, it contaminated my gadget. Since I dont visit this kind of trash, I know he is a big liar. He wants bitcoins or he is going to send a non existent video to all my contacts. What a liar!

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