1 Scam Reports

Other Blackmail Scam


At the time when you arouse sexually watching erotica Web-site your pocket computer has been infected. Presently I have at my disposal all the needed black PR image and contact numbers of all your loved ones._x000D_ The application turned on your WebCam and made video and made photographs._x000D_ Also I have at my disposal all information to your social networking websites accounts. If you do not like me to forward all the damaging information as you had been flogging the dummy to your loved ones and workfellows, then you must dispatch US Dollars 550 to my Bitcoin id 1JQDfL2A9LQ1iyVnLcvTNbGfq4Hye5diWh Otherwise in a case if I do not obtain transfer within twentyfour hourssince opening the message, I would show compromising material to all your nearest and dearest and collaborates and to Inet. Etc...

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