52 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


Hi. I have very bad news for you. Unfortunately, your private data was compromised. Your password was compromised through a legitimate website, and that led to events that I will explain to you now. Using your password, our team gained access to your email. We analyzed all data and after going through found a vector for an attack. That attack was a success. The result was that your machine was infected with a virus/backdoor. Our team uses individual approach to every victim, our success rate is very high. We have gained access to the data, but the most interesting part that we are able to control your webcam and microphone. And you are correct. We have a nice archive with exploding video content. It's all good, but we are here to make money. So if you don't want those videos to be leaked, please follow the instructions. You pay $750 USD, and there will be nothing to worry about. No chats, no photos, nothing. Every single file will be deleted and virus removed from your machine Use Bitcoin to make the transfer. Wallet address is 1J7RYCYp8D7zYoAAR4HQDXujaRU6D9tDbf , it's unique and we will know that you made the payment immediately. You have 2 days to make the transfer, that's reasonable. Take care.

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Sextortion Scam


Email saying they compromised the user's computer and got videos of the user engaged in adult activities. Claims the wallet address is unique for the victim.

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Other Blackmail Scam


05 Oct 2023 18:24:04UTC: scammer contacted us by e-mail impersonating us (sending from our own domain) with threatening content (e.g. blackmail, sextortion, ...) demanding payment to bitcoin address below Mail originating from IP: (abuse report also sent to: oremiga@ukrtelecom.ua) Mail Subject: Careful, it's important First up to 512 characters of mail body: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0025_01D9F7D2.075E5E1A Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi. I have very bad news for you. Unfortunately, your private data was = compromised. Your password wasxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to events that I will explain to you now. Using your password, our team gained access to your email. We analyzed = all data and after going through found a vector for

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Other Blackmail Scam


04 Oct 2023 23:46:15UTC: scammer contacted us by e-mail impersonating us (sending from our own domain) with threatening content (e.g. blackmail, sextortion, ...) demanding payment to bitcoin address below Mail originating from IP: (abuse report also sent to: abuse@mail.telepac.pt) Mail Subject: Careful, it's important First up to 512 characters of mail body: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0027_01D9F725.06AE7823 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi. I have very bad news for you. Unfortunately, your private data was = compromised. Your password wasxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to events that I will explain to you now. Using your password, our team gained access to your email. We analyzed = all data and after going through found a vector for

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Other Blackmail Scam


03 Oct 2023 22:56:13UTC: scammer contacted us by e-mail impersonating us (sending from our own domain) with threatening content (e.g. blackmail, sextortion, ...) demanding payment to bitcoin address below Mail originating from IP: (abuse report also sent to: hm-changed@vnnic.vn) Mail Subject: Careful, it's important First up to 512 characters of mail body: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------080109040508040808040609 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi. I have very bad news for you. Unfortunately, your private data was = compromised. Your password wasxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to events that I will explain to you now. Using your password, our team gained access to your email. We analyzed = all data and after going through found a vecto

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Other Blackmail Scam


03 Oct 2023 21:27:34UTC: scammer contacted us by e-mail impersonating us (sending from our own domain) with threatening content (e.g. blackmail, sextortion, ...) demanding payment to bitcoin address below Mail originating from IP: (abuse report also sent to: clarolacnic@claro.com.pe) Mail Subject: Careful, it's important First up to 512 characters of mail body: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. -----------8914121388055141 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi. I have very bad news for you. Unfortunately, your private data was = compromised. Your password wasxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to events that I will explain to you now. Using your password, our team gained access to your email. We analyzed = all data and after going through found a vector for an attack. That at

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Other Blackmail Scam


03 Oct 2023 18:15:16UTC: scammer contacted us by e-mail impersonating us (sending from our own domain) with threatening content (e.g. blackmail, sextortion, ...) demanding payment to bitcoin address below Mail originating from IP: (abuse report also sent to: abuse@zurbagan.tv) Mail Subject: Careful, it's important First up to 512 characters of mail body: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0010_01D9F63E.01084079 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi. I have very bad news for you. Unfortunately, your private data was = compromised. Your password wasxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to events that I will explain to you now. Using your password, our team gained access to your email. We analyzed = all data and after going through found a vector for

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Sextortion Scam


General sextortion

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Sextortion Scam


Received IPs and wallets from recent sextortion scams

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+ 8 more

Other Blackmail Scam


03 Oct 2023 08:06:13UTC: scammer contacted us by e-mail impersonating us (sending from our own domain) with threatening content (e.g. blackmail, sextortion, ...) demanding payment to bitcoin address below Mail originating from IP: (abuse report also sent to: clarolacnic@claro.com.pe) Mail Subject: Careful, it's important First up to 512 characters of mail body: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_002A_01D9F5A6.014D79A5 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi. I have very bad news for you. Unfortunately, your private data was = compromised. Your password wasxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to events that I will explain to you now. Using your password, our team gained access to your email. We analyzed = all data and after going through found a vector for

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Other Blackmail Scam


03 Oct 2023 05:17:14UTC: scammer contacted us by e-mail impersonating us (sending from our own domain) with threatening content (e.g. blackmail, sextortion, ...) demanding payment to bitcoin address below Mail originating from IP: (abuse report also sent to: noc@brasildigital.net.br) Mail Subject: Careful, it's important First up to 512 characters of mail body: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0038_01D9F597.037AA672 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi. I have very bad news for you. Unfortunately, your private data was = compromised. Your password wasxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to events that I will explain to you now. Using your password, our team gained access to your email. We analyzed = all data and after going through found a vector for

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Other Blackmail Scam


03 Oct 2023 03:18:19UTC: scammer contacted us by e-mail impersonating us (sending from our own domain) with threatening content (e.g. blackmail, sextortion, ...) demanding payment to bitcoin address below Mail originating from IP: (abuse report also sent to: admon.ip.telefonica@gmail.com) Mail Subject: Careful, it's important First up to 512 characters of mail body: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_003E_01D9F542.043265E5 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi. I have very bad news for you. Unfortunately, your private data was = compromised. Your password wasxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to events that I will explain to you now. Using your password, our team gained access to your email. We analyzed = all data and after going through found a vector for

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Other Blackmail Scam


02 Oct 2023 20:49:00UTC: scammer contacted us by e-mail impersonating us (sending from our own domain) with threatening content (e.g. blackmail, sextortion, ...) demanding payment to bitcoin address below Mail originating from IP: (abuse report also sent to: security@lvnetwork.com.br) Mail Subject: Careful, it's important First up to 512 characters of mail body: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01D9F558.07CFFBF1 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi. I have very bad news for you. Unfortunately, your private data was = compromised. Your password wasxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to events that I will explain to you now. Using your password, our team gained access to your email. We analyzed = all data and after going through found a vector for

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Sextortion Scam


phony sextortion

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Other Blackmail Scam


01 Oct 2023 17:52:51UTC: scammer contacted us by e-mail impersonating us (sending from our own domain) with threatening content (e.g. blackmail, sextortion, ...) demanding payment to bitcoin address below Mail originating from IP: (abuse report also sent to: ivan.pernett@claro.com.co) Mail Subject: Careful, it's important First up to 512 characters of mail body: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0017_01D9F466.0655A0CE Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi. I have very bad news for you. Unfortunately, your private data was = compromised. Your password wasxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to events that I will explain to you now. Using your password, our team gained access to your email. We analyzed = all data and after going through found a vector for

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