1 Scam Reports

Other: investment scram


I found Noblefxoption on the internet then a lady with 3 different names (Alicia, Tacy Carly FX and Charlotte) contacted me, said she has 5 years’ experience in trading. I first deposited $153 in BTC and she was trading for me, for 7 days. After 7 days I checked my profile and I made s good amount of profit. Then the trade was over and I was required to pay the withdraw fees and taxes. When I paid the fees, I saw I didn’t include the transaction fees to the final fees and I wrote immediately to their support and said I’ll send it separately. They said because of this I cannot withdraw it for more 48 hours. Alicia told me she`ll keep trading for me to have more profits. When 48 hours gone, I wanted to withdraw my money, Alicia said I only have to pay now for the broker fees. When I paid this fee, she told me I have to pay for more fees which I didn’t agree to. I realized by that time I have been scammed.

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