2 Scam Reports

Other: Bitcoin Tumbler


They match with you in Facebook Dating, then add your number to WhatsApp and introduce you to this app just very kind, https://www.jsgj07.com, maybe other domains like this. Then ask u to buy bitcoins and tell you about the great investments and return you can get in just a couple of minutes. I gain 28k USD, then said that I need to pay taxes to cash out.. after they said you need pay gold member to cash out without problems..I paid this and after they said that I need to pay fee payment withdrawal. So Im really sad for this situation. I lost over 15 USD in total.. 1GNg493TwCSVCLMG3vEdcr5psYkny26cg9 and _x000D_ 1DVy9gKjpQohRr4qJSdCDQzEfA5Fw1NMHc

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Reported Address
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Other: https://www.jsgj07.com


They match with you in Facebook Dating, then add your number to WhatsApp and introduce you to this app https://www.jsgj07.com, maybe other domains like this. Then ask u to buy bitcoins and tell you about the great investments and return you can get in just a couple of minutes. _x000D_ Beware this kind of scam.

Reported Address
Reported Address
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