1 Scam Reports



Hi Im the hacker who cracked your email address and device a couple of weeks ago. You typed in your passcode on one of the websites you visited, and I intercepted that. Heres your security password from xxx on moment of hack: xxx Obviously you can can change it, or already changed it. However this doesnt make any difference, my personal malicious software modifie ;d it each and every time. Do not consider to get in touch with me or even find me, it is impossible, since I sent you email from your account only. By way of your e mail, I uploaded malicious code to your Operation System. I saved your entire contacts with friends, co-workers, relatives and a entire record of visits to the Online resources. Also I installed a Malware on your system. Youre not my only target, I generally lock computers and ask for a ransom. Nonetheless I was struck through the websites of personal material that you often pay a visit to (There’s more, but this report is limited to 1000 characters)

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