1 Scam Reports

Other: telegram scam


A guy on a Telegram group simply send a message writing Elon Musk givaway with a link. At this link I found a page https://dropmusk.ug/ on which they say Elon Musk would give you the double of BTC or ETH you would send._x000D_ Original text_x000D_ Our company decided to organise Giveaway due to the growth cryptocurrencies and upcoming holidays. We believe that $ 58K is only the first stage in the development of Bitcoin. But 100K is already its real price. Showing the future for cryptocurrencies and our development._x000D_ _x000D_ If you want to participate, it is really simple to do. Just navigate to these websites to learn more_x000D_ Scam using Elen Musk face and fake site. They

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