1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


I, of course, witnessed many various stuff, but u really astonished me. It is like you are a super machine in the world of pleasures of the flesh._x000D_ Ive got so many questions, and I would like to hear the answers, but sadly, I will not have such an opportunity._x000D_ How much a person should love jerking off to do it that often._x000D_ I will provide you with a chance to save ur public standing in the sight of your relatives and wash away your guilt. If u disregard my requirements, Ill be forced to share your passion with the contacts from ur e-mail._x000D_ Dude, I really cannot get what has gotten into u._x000D_ In fact I very much doubt about your wisdom, for you do not close the cam of your device while doing something like this._x000D_ My advice to u is not to practice on your passion._x000D_ Never forget, that is a great sin for worshipers.

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