18 Scam Reports



Bomb warning in comapy building

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Other Blackmail Scam


blackmail to pay as they had planted a bomb at our business address

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email with bomb treath

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Other Blackmail Scam


The blackmailer claims that he has placed a bomb somewhere and that it will explode if the victim does not pay. Due to the large number of threats, this is likely to be a bluff.

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Other Blackmail Scam


My recruited person hid a bomb (Tetryl) in the building where your business is...there will be many wounded people is case of its _x000D_ explosion. My man is controlling the situation around the building. if he _x000D_ notices any suspicious actuvity or policeman the device will be _x000D_ blown up. i can call off my mercenary if you pay. You pay me 20.000 $ in _x000D_ bitcoin and explosive will not detonate,but dont try to cheat i _x000D_ ensure you that i have to call off my mercenary only after 3 _x000D_ confirmation in blockchain network. My payment details (btc address): _x000D_ 1FGfebKtmuUmvAj3b9iALXPx6ARQCZfQER_x000D_ Send exactly 1.990364 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet. buy Bitcoin and send it to my address._x000D_ Only then I will leave you alone! _x000D_ I give you 80 hours (more than 3 days) to pay.I have a notice _x000D_ reading confirmation to this letter, and the timer will work when _x000D_ you see this letter. , if you are late with the transaction _x000D_ explosive will detonate._x000D_ Nothing personal, if i do not receive the bitcoin and the bomb _x000D_ explodes, next time other commercial enterprises will pay me a _x000D_ lot more,because this isnt a one-time action._x000D_ Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because I do not _x000D_ make any mistakes._x000D_ I will be monitoring my bitcoin address every thirty-five minutes _x000D_ and after seeing the money i will order my mercenary to leave _x000D_ your district._x000D_ if the bomb blows up and the authorities see this message:_x000D_ We are not the terrorist society and dont assume responsibility _x000D_ for explosions in other places.

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Other Blackmail Scam


... Part 2/2 ... My payment details (btc address): _x000D_ 1FGfebKtmuUmvAj3b9iALXPx6ARQCZfQER_x000D_ _x000D_ (copy & paste address - its case sensitive) _x000D_ _x000D_ Send exactly 1.990364 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet. _x000D_ _x000D_ If you dont know how to pay with Bitcoin, visit Google and _x000D_ search - how to buy Bitcoin (BTC)._x000D_ Visit one of the brokers (www.Coinbase.com, www.kucoin.com, _x000D_ Bitstamp, anycoindirect), buy Bitcoin and send it to my address._x000D_ Only then I will leave you alone! _x000D_ _x000D_ At anycoindirect you can buy Bitcoin instantly with SEPA, _x000D_ Giropay, EPS, Mybank, Sofort, credit cards or Bancontract. _x000D_ _x000D_ I give you 80 hours (more than 3 days) to pay.I have a notice _x000D_ reading confirmation to this letter, and the timer will work when _x000D_ you see this letter. , if you are late with the transaction _x000D_ explosive will detonate._x000D_ _x000D_ Nothing personal, if i do not receive the bitcoin and the bomb _x000D_ explodes, next time other commercial enterprises will pay me a _x000D_ lot more,because this isnt a one-time action._x000D_ _x000D_ Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because I do not _x000D_ make any mistakes._x000D_ I will be monitoring my bitcoin address every thirty-five minutes _x000D_ and after seeing the money i will order my mercenary to leave _x000D_ your district._x000D_ _x000D_ if the bomb blows up and the authorities see this message:_x000D_ _x000D_ We are not the terrorist society and dont assume responsibility _x000D_ for explosions in other places.

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Other Blackmail Scam


How stupid can somebody be? Or is (s)he desperate? Or what? _x000D_ _x000D_ Part 1/2 ..._x000D_ My recruited person hid a bomb (Tetryl) in the building where _x000D_ your business is conducted. it was assembled according to my _x000D_ instructions. it is small it is covered up very well, it is _x000D_ impossible to damage the building structure by this explosive _x000D_ device, but there will be many wounded people is case of its _x000D_ explosion._x000D_ My man is controlling the situation around the building. if he _x000D_ notices any suspicious actuvity or policeman the device will be _x000D_ blown up._x000D_ i can call off my mercenary if you pay. You pay me 20.000 $ in _x000D_ bitcoin and explosive will not detonate,but dont try to cheat i _x000D_ ensure you that i have to call off my mercenary only after 3 _x000D_ confirmation in blockchain network._x000D_ ...

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Other Blackmail Scam


My recruited person hid a bomb (Tetryl) in the building where your business is conducted. it was assembled according to my_x000D_ instructions. it is small it is covered up very well, it is_x000D_ impossible to damage the building structure by this explosive_x000D_ device, but there will be many wounded people is case of its_x000D_ explosion._x000D_ My man is controlling the situation around the building. if he_x000D_ notices any suspicious actuvity or policeman the device will be_x000D_ blown up._x000D_ i can call off my mercenary if you pay. You pay me 20.000 $ in_x000D_ bitcoin and explosive will not detonate,but dont try to cheat i_x000D_ ensure you that i have to call off my mercenary only after 3_x000D_ confirmation in blockchain network._x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ My payment details (btc address):_x000D_ 1FGfebKtmuUmvAj3b9iALXPx6ARQCZfQER_x000D_ _x000D_ (copy & paste address - its case sensitive)_x000D_ _x000D_ Send exactly 1.990364 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet._x000D_ _x000D_ If you dont know how to pay with Bitcoin, visit Google and_x000D_ search - how to buy Bitcoin (BTC)._x000D_ Visit one of the brokers (www.Coinbase.com, www.kucoin.com,_x000D_ Bitstamp, anycoindirect), buy Bitcoin and send it to my address._x000D_ Only then I will leave you alone!_x000D_ _x000D_ At anycoindirect you can buy Bitcoin instantly with SEPA,_x000D_ Giropay, EPS, Mybank, Sofort, credit cards or Bancontract._x000D_ _x000D_ I give you 80 hours (more than 3 days) to pay.I have a notice_x000D_ reading confirmation to this letter, and the timer will work when_x000D_ you see this letter. , if you are late with the transaction_x000D_ explosive will detonate._x000D_ _x000D_ Nothing personal, if i do not receive the bitcoin and the bomb_x000D_ explodes, next time other commercial enterprises will pay me a_x000D_ lot more,because this isnt a one-time action._x000D_ _x000D_ Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because I do not_x000D_ make any mistakes._x000D_ I will be monitoring my bitcoin address every thirty-five minutes_x000D_ and after seeing the money i will order my mercenary to leave_x000D_ your district.

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Bitcoin logo

Other Blackmail Scam


My recruited person hid a bomb (Tetryl) in the building where your business is conducted. it was assembled according to my instructions. _x000D_ it is small it is covered up very well, it is impossible to damage the _x000D_ building structure by this explosive device, but there will be many _x000D_ wounded people is case of its explosion._x000D_ My man is controlling the situation around the building. if he notices _x000D_ any suspicious actuvity or policeman the device will be blown up._x000D_ i can call off my mercenary if you pay. You pay me 20.000 $ in bitcoin _x000D_ and explosive will not detonate,but dont try to cheat i ensure you _x000D_ that i have to call off my mercenary only after 3 confirmation in blockchain network.

Reported Address
Reported Address
Bitcoin logo



My recruited person hid a bomb (Tetryl) in the building where your business is conducted. it was assembled according to my_x000D_ instructions. it is small it is covered up very well, it is_x000D_ impossible to damage the building structure by this explosive_x000D_ device, but there will be many wounded people is case of its_x000D_ explosion._x000D_ My man is controlling the situation around the building. if he_x000D_ notices any suspicious actuvity or policeman the device will be_x000D_ blown up._x000D_ i can call off my mercenary if you pay. You pay me 20.000 $ in_x000D_ bitcoin and explosive will not detonate,but dont try to cheat i_x000D_ ensure you that i have to call off my mercenary only after 3_x000D_ confirmation in blockchain network.

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Reported Address
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Other Blackmail Scam


Received: from [] (account liugi.garth@e-server.org HELO mail.com) by e-server.org (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 6.1.9 _community_)_x000D_ with ESMTPA id 2798429 for XXXXXXXX@XXXXXX; Tue, 25 Aug 2020 13:03:16 +0000_x000D_ From: Lumba Attack Squard<no-reply@mail.com>_x000D_ To: XXXXX_x000D_ Subject: Better Listen To Me!!!!_x000D_ Date: 25 Aug 2020 13:03:16 +0000_x000D_ Message-ID: <20200825130316.E9A8ADC04FD966A5@mail.com>_x000D_ MIME-Version: 1.0_x000D_ Content-Type: text/plain;_x000D_ charset=utf-8_x000D_ Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable_x000D_ X-ME-Bayesian: 0.000000_x000D_ _x000D_ My recruited person hid a bomb (Tetryl) in the building where=20_x000D_ your business is conducted. it was assembled according to my=20_x000D_ instructions. it is small it is covered up very well, it is=20_x000D_ impossible to damage the building structure by this explosive=20_x000D_ device, but there will be many wounded people is case of its=20_x000D_ explosion._x000D_ My man is controlling the situation around the building. if he=20_x000D_ notices any suspicious actuvity or policeman the device will be=20_x000D_ blown up._x000D_ i can call off my mercenary if you pay. You pay me 20.000 $ in=20_x000D_ bitcoin and explosive will not detonate,but dont try to cheat i=20_x000D_ ensure you that i have to call off my mercenary only after 3=20_x000D_ confirmation in blockchain network._x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ My payment details (btc address):=20_x000D_ 1FGfebKtmuUmvAj3b9iALXPx6ARQCZfQER_x000D_ _x000D_ (copy & paste address - its case sensitive) _x000D_ _x000D_ Send exactly 1.990364 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet. _x000D_ _x000D_ If you dont know how to pay with Bitcoin, visit Google and=20_x000D_ search - how to buy Bitcoin (BTC)._x000D_ Visit one of the brokers (www.Coinbase.com, www.kucoin.com,=20_x000D_ Bitstamp, anycoindirect), buy Bitcoin and send it to my address._x000D_ Only then I will leave you alone! _x000D_ _x000D_ At anycoindirect you can buy Bitcoin instantly with SEPA,=20_x000D_ Giropay, EPS, Mybank, Sofort, credit cards or Bancontract. _x000D_ _x000D_ >8 snip

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Bitcoin logo



My recruited person hid a bomb (Tetryl) in the building where your business is conducted. it was assembled according to my instructions. it is small it is covered up very well, it is impossible to damage the building structure by this explosive device, but there will be many wounded people is case of its explosion. My man is controlling the situation around the building. if he notices any suspicious actuvity or policeman the device will be blown up._x000D_ i can call off my mercenary if you pay. You pay me 20.000 $ in bitcoin and explosive will not detonate,but dont try to cheat i ensure you that i have to call off my mercenary only after 3 confirmation in blockchain network._x000D_ My payment details (btc address): _x000D_ 1FGfebKtmuUmvAj3b9iALXPx6ARQCZfQER_x000D_ Send exactly 1.990364 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet. _x000D_ _x000D_ If you dont know how to pay with Bitcoin, visit Google and search - how to buy Bitcoin (BTC)._x000D_ Visit one of the brokers (www.Coinbase.com, www.kucoin.com, Bitstamp, anycoindirect), buy Bitcoin and send it to my address._x000D_ Only then I will leave you alone! _x000D_ _x000D_ At anycoindirect you can buy Bitcoin instantly with SEPA, Giropay, EPS, Mybank, Sofort, credit cards or Bancontract. _x000D_ _x000D_ I give you 80 hours (more than 3 days) to pay.I have a notice reading confirmation to this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter. , if you are late with the transaction explosive will detonate._x000D_ _x000D_ Nothing personal, if i do not receive the bitcoin and the bomb explodes, next time other commercial enterprises will pay me a lot more,because this isnt a one-time action._x000D_ _x000D_ Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because I do not make any mistakes._x000D_ I will be monitoring my bitcoin address every thirty-five minutes and after seeing the money i will order my mercenary to leave your district._x000D_ _x000D_ if the bomb blows up and the authorities see this message:_x000D_ _x000D_ We are not the terrorist society and dont assume responsibility for explosions in other places.

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Reported Address
Bitcoin logo



My recruited person hid a bomb (Tetryl) in the building where your business is conducted. it was assembled according to my instructions. it is small it is covered up very well, it is impossible to damage the building structure by this explosive device, but there will be many wounded people is case of its explosion. My man is controlling the situation around the building. if he notices any suspicious actuvity or policeman the device will be blown up._x000D_ i can call off my mercenary if you pay. You pay me 20.000 $ in bitcoin and explosive will not detonate,but dont try to cheat i ensure you that i have to call off my mercenary only after 3 confirmation in blockchain network._x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ My payment details (btc address):_x000D_ 1FGfebKtmuUmvAj3b9iALXPx6ARQCZfQER_x000D_ _x000D_ (copy & paste address - its case sensitive)_x000D_ _x000D_ Send exactly 1.990364 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet._x000D_ _x000D_ If you dont know how to pay with Bitcoin, visit Google and search - how to buy Bitcoin (BTC)._x000D_ Visit one of the brokers (www.Coinbase.com, www.kucoin.com, Bitstamp, anycoindirect), buy Bitcoin and send it to my address._x000D_ Only then I will leave you alone!

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Other Blackmail Scam


Claims that, unless bitcoin is paid, a bomb will go off in place where you do business.

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My recruited person hid a bomb (Tetryl) in the building where your business is conducted. it was assembled according to my _x000D_ instructions. it is small it is covered up very well, it is _x000D_ impossible to damage the building structure by this explosive _x000D_ device, but there will be many wounded people is case of its _x000D_ explosion._x000D_ My man is controlling the situation around the building. if he _x000D_ notices any suspicious actuvity or policeman the device will be _x000D_ blown up._x000D_ i can call off my mercenary if you pay. You pay me 20.000 $ in _x000D_ bitcoin and explosive will not detonate,but dont try to cheat i _x000D_ ensure you that i have to call off my mercenary only after 3 _x000D_ confirmation in blockchain network._x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ My payment details (btc address): _x000D_ 1FGfebKtmuUmvAj3b9iALXPx6ARQCZfQER

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