1 Scam Reports

Other: Blackmail


Second Option is to pay me $1900. We’ll call it my “confidentiality tip”. Let me tell you what happens if you pick this path. Your secret will remain your secret. Ill erase the video immediately. You continue on with your routine life that none of this ever happened. _x000D_ Now you must be thinking, “I’ll just go to the cops”. Let me tell you, Ive taken steps to ensure that this message cant be linked time for me and it will not stay away from the evidence from destroying your health. Im not trying to steal all your savings. I just want to be compensated for the time I put into investigating you. Lets hope you decide to produce all this disappear and pay me the confidentiality fee. You will make the payment via Bitcoin (if you dont know how, search how to buy bitcoins on search engine) _x000D_ _x000D_ Required Amount: $1900 _x000D_ Receiving Bitcoin Address: 1DSFj3F1Mej*vuxTWNSWrmDqqjuhi2VYCc6 (Delete * from this address and note it carefully)

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