1 Scam Reports



While on the telegram app on Friday October 16th, 2020 I was invited to this group called Crypto Worldwide Investments and scammed out of $550 by who is believed to be @SteveBorge within the telegram community. Initially the scam artist was promising big returns on investments made with him but opposingly decided to block me after receiving my $550, as soon as my money was received at this QRaddress:1B8xZGfyG6xr6X1KWpir7QqRXwD38hae56. Initially I sent him $350 for the investment but then he said there were other fees of $200 that he claimed were also required to send. If the above QR code number can be linked back to who received the funds I believe that this would be of such a great help in catching the thief. After noticing that he had removed his chat channel icon from the telegram platform, I also then soon learned that I was blocked and could no longer reach this link below. _x000D_ _x000D_ https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE912AQoPiG-e-V7Cg_x000D_ His contact information appear to still remain active but I believe that I have been blocked from his platform page because he has already deceptively scammed me, and I believe that he may be hoping to scam others. Your reply would be greatly appreciated on any remedy to this issue. Ill be glad to assist you with any information you need regarding the transactions made with the scammer._x000D_ _x000D_ Thank you sincerely, _x000D_ Byron Reynolds

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