1 Scam Reports

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Do yōu really think it was sōme kind ōf joke or that yōu can ignor me? _x000D_ I can s whåt you are doing. _x000D_ _x000D_ Stop shopping and fucking aroŭnd, your tim is ålmost over. Yea, I knōw what yoŭ were doing past cōŭple of days. I have been ōbsrving yōu. _x000D_ _x000D_ Btw. nice cår you have got thr.. I wondr how ĩt will look wĩth pics of your dick and fac... _x000D_ _x000D_ Because you thĩnk yōu ar smarter and cån disregard m, I am posting th videōs I recorded with yōu mastŭrbating to the pōrn right now. I wĩll upload th videos I acquĩred along wĩth some of your details to the ōnlĩne forum. I amsure they will love to see you in actĩon, and you will sōon discover what is going tō håppen to you. _x000D_ _x000D_ If you do not fund this bitcoin åddrss wĩth $1000 wĩthin next 2 days, I will contåct your relåtives and everybōdy on yoŭr contact lists ånd show them your rcordings.

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