1 Scam Reports

Other: scammer traders


I started with fin-toward.com at August of 2020 when they had excellent reviews in whole network but as a new investor I didnt knew the secret details like they are not FCA registered , not registered at tax office of the chamber of commerce and they have no social media ! I started with 250 euros , checked withdrawal procedure in my bank account when initial profit was appeared then I entered in gold program transferring 3500 euros from my bank account and after good profit results and successful trades , I decided to invest other 3000 euros that were transferred to their BTC wallet (17wXUihg487rVFbxBVTmTn6K29Y2z96R7f) via my account in Cryptomat.io._x000D_ Communication was excellent until I decided to withdraw to my bank when scam revealed ..._x000D_ They told me that both me and fin-toward.com have to transfer in a third BTC wallet 14% of my funds in Blockchain for government certification reasons which is completely a fraud !_x000D_ Noah Tolman UK +441519470102 and Simon Graves UK +441519470190 were the scammers that contacted with me from fraudulent website that is traced at Cyprus

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