2 Scam Reports



6Hello!9 _x000D_ 9I8am9a7hacker5who2has3access5to7your2operating8system.3_x000D_ 2I8also1have2full2access9to8your1account.6_x000D_ 6I9made7a3video1showing4how7you7satisfy2yourself9in2the7left7half2of7the8screen,4_x000D_ 1and5in2the9right4half3you8see4the4video5that1you5watched.7_x000D_ 7With6one8click6of2the3mouse,2I4can4send9this7video6to8_x000D_ 8all2your9emails4and9contacts3on7social4networks.5_x000D_ 1If6you2want1to5prevent4this,4transfer5the1amount4of1$7005to7my9BTC1address.5_x000D_ 1_x000D_ 2You4do8not7know6how2to8buy?9Search2to6Google3:7Buy3BTC3 _x000D_ 5My2BTC1address6(BTC5Wallet)8is:5_x000D_ _x000D_ 176FVRUgprVR3jgcDrLUuUns4SR6XpuRYX_x000D_ _x000D_ 6After6receiving1the5payment,8I1will2delete8the1video4and7you7will2never7_x000D_ 7hear8me4again.6_x000D_ 1I3give8you2503hours3(more1than328days)1to9pay._x000D_ 8I7have5a2notice7reading9this2letter,8and4the9timer5will9work6when_x000D_ 6you3see5this7letter.6_x000D_ _x000D_ 8Filing2a2complaint6somewhere7does5not4make5sense5because5this5email3_x000D_ 6cannot3be1tracked6like4my4BTC7address.7_x000D_ 3I3do1not5make1any7mistakes.4_x000D_ _x000D_ 5Bye3!3_x000D_ 8

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Text message received states: _x000D_ I need your total attention for the up coming Twenty-four hours, or I may make sure you that you live out of embarrassment for the rest of your existence. I know every thing regarding you. Your present facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts and all the digital activity from past 156 days. My spyware ended up being activated inside your device which ended up saving a lovely video while you were masturbating by triggering your camera. I own the full recording. In the case you think I m playing around, just reply proof and I will be forwarding the recording randomly to 5 people you know. Will you be capable to look into anyones eyes again after it? I doubt that... Im going to make you a one time, no negotiable offer. Buy $ 1000 in BTC and send it to this address = 17jmrDQXMxcHuU3P9as7rDMsY1dyjHzFmp (copy-paste-it) (If you do not know how, look online how to purchase BTC. Do not waste my valuable time). Immediately after you send this donation (lets call it that?), I will go away and never ever make contact with you again. I will get rid of everything I have got about you. You may keep on living your current ordinary day to day life with no stress. You have 24 hours to do so.

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