1 Scam Reports



Claims to have access to a password, which was used to install a key logger and giving access to camera and all outlook and social media contacts. Ransomware (requesting USD 4000 to 7000) is in response to unspecified usage of a porn site, with camera being secretly controlled by the blackmailers. Note, the password they have access to is an old password compromised by an old well-known hack. The details have clearly been sold by the original hacker, but since all passwords were changed since, there is no chance this could actually have been used to compromise my PC. I get a daily demand from the above email address, despite the demands just accumulating on my spam wall. The bitcoin address changes frequently, and there is no way for the blackmailer to know who has paid and who hasnt, so even if I felt I had lost compromising material, there would be little point in paying.

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