The following turd was in my inbox:
I am a hacker wh√∏ has access t√∏ y√∏ur √∏perat¬°ng system._x000D_
I alsø have full access tø yøur accøuňt._x000D_
Ive been watch¬°ng y√∏u f√∏r a few m√∏nths n√∏w._x000D_
The fact ¬°s that y√∏u were ¬°nfected w¬°th malware thr√∏ugh an adult s¬°te that y√∏u v¬°s¬°ted._x000D_
If y√∏u are n√∏t fam¬°l¬°ar w¬°th th¬°s, ¬° w¬°ll expla¬°n._x000D_
Tr√∏jan V¬°rus g¬°ves me full access and c√∏ntr√∏l √∏ver a c√∏mputer √∏r √∏ther dev¬°ce._x000D_
Th¬°s means that ¬° can see everyth¬°ng √∏n y√∏ur screen, turn √∏n the camera and m¬°cr√∏ph√∏ne, but y√∏u d√∏ n√∏t kn√∏w ab√∏ut ¬°t._x000D_
I als√∏ have access t√∏ all y√∏ur c√∏ntacts and_x000D_
all y√∏ur c√∏rresp√∏ndence._x000D_
Why y√∏ur ant¬°v¬°rus d¬°d n√∏t detect malware?_x000D_
Answer: My malware uses the dr¬°ver, ¬° update ¬°ts s¬°gnatures every 4 h√∏urs s√∏ that y√∏ur ant¬°v¬°rus ¬°s s¬°lent._x000D_
I made a v¬°de√∏ sh√∏w¬°ng h√∏w y√∏u masturbate √∏n the left half √∏f the screen, and ¬°n the r¬°ght half y√∏u see the v¬°de√∏ that y√∏u watched. W¬°th √∏ne cl¬°ck √∏f the m√∏use,_x000D_
I can send th¬°s v¬°de√∏ t√∏ all y√∏ur ema¬°ls and c√∏ntacts √∏n s√∏c¬°al netw√∏rks. ¬° can als√∏ p√∏st access t√∏ all y√∏ur e-ma¬°l c√∏rresp√∏ndence and messengers that y√∏u use._x000D_
If yøu want tø prevent th¡s, transfer the amøunt øf $1200(USD) tø my b¡tcø¡n address (¡f yøu dø nøt knøw høw tø dø th¡s, wr¡te tø Gøøgle: Buy BTC)._x000D_
My b¡tcø¡n address (BTC Wallet) ¡s: 16QLrb5Ej3VLCaxeivbJxAgfvWEXyqGAfc_x000D_
After rece¬°v¬°ng the payment, ¬° w¬°ll delete the v¬°de√∏ and y√∏u w¬°ll never hear me aga¬°n._x000D_
I g¬°ve y√∏u 48 h√∏urs t√∏ pay._x000D_
I have a n√∏t¬°ce read¬°ng th¬°s letter, and the t¬°mer w¬°ll w√∏rk when y√∏u see th¬°s letter._x000D_
F¡l¡ng a cømpla¡nt sømewhere døes nøt make sense because th¡s ema¡l cannøt be tracked l¡ke my b¡tcø¡n address._x000D_
I d√∏ n√∏t make any m¬°stakes._x000D_
If ¬° f¬°nd that y√∏u have shared th¬°s message w¬°th s√∏me√∏ne else, the v¬°de√∏ w¬°ll be ¬°mmed¬°ately d¬°str¬°buted._x000D_
Best regards!