2 Scam Reports



This is obviously the biggest nonsense, paying with Bitcoin is anonymous so the scammer cannot know who the money came from (there is no sender). The story as described in the mail is therefore incorrect and is not based on truths. I got a extortion email with the following bitcoin account in it ... Ill send your recording to your friends unless you send me 1122 USD via B I T C O I N S in the next 24 hours to the below address

Reported Address
Reported Address
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Other Blackmail Scam


I got a extortion email with the following bitcoin account in it _x000D_ ..._x000D_ Ill send your recording to your friends unless you send me 1122 USD via B I T C O I N S in the next 24 hours to the below address: _x000D_ B I T C O I N Address: 153xRPfsXcL7N7WVRf1yEjbes41v4Gfgc9 _x000D_ Make sure to Copy & Paste address because it is case sensitive. _x000D_ _x000D_ Once you have sent the money, I will destroy your video and every other details I have about you. _x000D_ _x000D_ If I do not receive the money, I will email your video to every contact of yours. Think regarding the shame that you receive. Furthermore in case you are in an important relationship, how it would affect? _x000D_ _x000D_ ..._x000D_ _x000D_ Respectfully yours - Johndavid

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