1 Scam Reports

Other: scammer on telegram app


This Is Like Jumanji Movie A group in telegram app name Bit pay Crypto Option is scamming people to invest in bitcoin with minimum investment and receive huge profits in 24 hours. they make you to create profile on expertinvestmenttrade.com then they reply you after 24 hours that check your dasboard in your account. after you check your account you see a large sum of amount eg. $80,000 by investing only $ 2000 Surprising? Now you contact them back to receive your profits. Here is the point real scam starts now after contacting them they will tell you that to withdraw all your profits you have to activate your account by paying 20% of all profits seen on your dashboard. so that amount comes to $16,000 and you tell them that you dont have that much amount to pay they negotiate and tell you to pay $10,000 and you manage and pay that amount of money. After that amount ($10,000) is paid they tell you to log in to account and make your profit withdraw and you do the same. Once its done you inform them and they tell you to wait for 4-6 hours and you will receive the profits in wallet. You are happy now & you waited for 8 hours and guess what next when you open your wallet theres no money in your wallet? OMG now whats Next so you contact them Now here comes one more surprise for you after contacting them. Guess what the broker you were dealing with tell you to contact the boss by sending boss contact details now you contact boss. Guess what another Jumanji Surprise you get now boss tells you Your payment is been on hold because of non clearance of taxable fee Your region financial tax regulation relate to your crypto currency has stopped the funds to arrive in your wallet. so you ask how them much are the taxes you have to pay and they say more 15% of $80,000 which means more $12,000 payment. What will you do paying total $2000 +$10000. you know what let it go $ 2000 dont pay more.

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