2 Scam Reports



Camera ready,Notification: 06.12.2018 04:17:08

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Other Blackmail Scam


I got a movie of you tootin\ your horn when at the pornweb site you are visited, So now i know just who my goal is to send that to, in case you aren\t going to compensate this along with me. I\ll place a wallet address down below for you to hit me 450 usd in one dayz utmost via btc. Notice, it\s not that large of a sum to cover, guess that tends to make me not that bad of a person. You\re welcome to complete whichever the shit you want to, however if i will not see the total amount within the time period mentioned over, clearly... you by now understand what could happen. So it\s under your control now. Now i\m not gonna undergo all the info and crap, just simply don\t have time for that and you most likely know that web is flooded with mail similar to this, so it\s as well your final choice to trust in this or not, there may be just one way to figure out. Here\s my bitcoin address:148L4bCfbGqMC3aiTnuyD2RHqxqbYFqWXY

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