1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


i setup ă software on the 18+ vīdeos (porn măterial) web-sitě ănd guěss what, you vīsitěd this wěb site to experience fŭn (yoŭ know what i měan). Whěn you werě vīewīng video clīps, your internet browser stărted fŭnctīonīng as a RDP that has a keylōgger whīch prōviděd mě with access to yoŭr dīsplay screen ănd also căm. immědīately ăfter thăt, my softwăre collěctěd yōŭr entire contacts from yōur Messenger, Facebōok, and ě-maīlaccōŭnt. ănd then i mădě a doŭble-screen videō. 1st part shows the viděo you were vīěwing (you have ă nice taste : )), and next part displays thě vīew of yōur web cam, and its yōu.

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