1 Scam Reports

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You can visit the police station but they cant solve your problem. I am foreigner. So they can not trace my location even for 2 months._x000D_ I upload a virus on your devise._x000D_ We recorded you through your web-camera, during your porn-site visit._x000D_ Now I have the video with your masturbation._x000D_ During remote desktop session we downloaded your contactlist so if you want me to keep this secret you should send 0.14 in BTC._x000D_ This is my Bitcoin address _x000D_ (13qjiYzBZD27AUXRNGbhSxRYAcejkqVk6Q)_x000D_ (use it like your credit card number) _x000D_ You have 28 hours after clicking on this letter to complete the payment._x000D_ You do not need to tell me that you have paid. This address is given only to you, everything will be deleted automatically after transfer verification._x000D_ If you need 48 h just reply on this letter with +._x000D_ Goodbye. Dont forget about the ignominy

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