1 Scam Reports

Other: investment scram


I found WorldMarkets, which claimed to have an all-managed account system that traded diverse assets with a high return. The website listed several account types with different amounts, they also said, their system trades up to a period of 1 month, and you have to upgrade to at least a standard account to be able to carry the trading on. Their charges would be deducted at a percentage of the profits generated on the account by type, and nothing more. Their system had an online members area that showed in detail the status of all transactions and had the facility to download reports from the system. The account manager called me and explained all the details to me, said I have to upload some documents and KYC and we can only start trading after I paid the minimum amount of 2500€. I uploaded all my documents and made my first deposit. Their payment system worked online. Then I made and another deposit of 0.21868017BTC to upgrade my account to standard and carry the trading on. All open transactions had been closed the previous. The account was credited on the same day, reactivated, and started trading again. I then started monitoring the account more closely and attempted to call the company several times using the number provided on their website and in email correspondence, but nobody picked up my calls. The calls were set to auto-answer and dropped off. I then did research and noticed a lot of people had the same issue. Details on their website started to change like removing contact details, editing the website to remove and hide links to affiliates, partners, statements, and documents that had previously been used to show proof of performance over the years. Access to the members area/dashboard was also disabled. I got an email from an officer of the company apologizing they were not able to withdraw any funds from my ‘SwiftExchange Account’, therefore they were not going to correspond with me anymore. Since that, I got no answer from them.

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