1 Scam Reports

Other: investment scram


There was an offer on Facebook of autotrading in crypto. They said it only requires 250€, so I made an account and deposited the money. Then Wesley Aaron Mitchell called me said he said he`s a financial advisor, then we had a long conversation where he told me how to invest and where. He explained they operated as a cryptobank, as it was an increasingly efficient way to manage investments through USDT. Convertible to both crypto and USD, so you could go against crypto investments if it was appropriate. Then I agreed with a contract of $55000 to be able to participate and have the best conditions. Then they told me that Teslas contracts are a great demand, and for the contract for these was $150.000, I decided to agree with this contract and paid $78721. Also, this trade made a good profit. Then they told me to invest in BTC and they offered me a contract and they gave me a margin loan of 15K so I could participate, but this loan has to be paid back as soon as possible, so with the margin loan, I deposited $40039. Then I received some money back from them, which gave me more confidence in the company. Then they introduced me to an IPO program which background was good, for this the agreement was promising a well-organized and protected by insurance against losses of up to 5%. My investment was $500.000 and my capital reached $37500. Then I deposited more money for more trades and my capital was about $520000. When all my trading was done, I asked for a withdraw, they told me I have to repay the margin loan of $200000 which was given to Hedging. Then they told me I have to pay a tax of $218000, when I paid for this, they again sent me a bill of $56023 which I didn’t accept to pay. I`m still in communication with them and have my account open with them but I still couldn`t withdraw my money.

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