1 Scam Reports



Im Brett. Isnt xxxxx is your password? I have the taped video of your cam which shows your greasy sexual doings and clip you streamed on the adult video because that website had my virus hooked up. In the video recording you happen to be appearing interesting. Your mail and FB contacts were afterward sent to me by the malware. _x000D_ I will email your recording to your friends unless you send me 4000 USD via Bit coin in the next 36 hours to the below address: _x000D_ B I T C O I N Address: 13GPjo1SqRkEGaBULs2EahXx1KQp57ntxR_x000D_ Make sure to Copy and Paste address because it is CasE SenSiTiVe. _x000D_ _x000D_ Once you have sent the money, I will delete your video and every other details I have about you.

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