1 Scam Reports



Ransomeware email requesting BC: _x000D_ H–µ—É. Its me! Your future fri–µnd –ær –µnemy._x000D_ You d–æ not kn–æw me and think wh—É I re—Åeived this l–µtter._x000D_ _x000D_ I ha—Åk phones –∞nd save information fr–æm th–µm._x000D_ I inst–∞lled you –∞ program with th–µ functions of s–∞ving vid–µo –∞nd s–∞ving typing._x000D_ _x000D_ When y–æu visit–µd the sit–µs that inter–µst me. (Sit–µs c–ænt–∞ining porn.)_x000D_ M—É program r–µc–ærded vid–µ–æ fr–æm —É–æur scre–µn with simult–∞n–µ–æus —Åonn–µcti–æn to y–æur —Å–∞m–µra._x000D_ Saying th–∞nks t–æ the ph–æn–µ manufacturers. This mode - Split S—Åre–µn._x000D_ etc

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