1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


from IP address DNS serv4.sdjklhwejkhr.tk_x000D_ _x000D_ Date: April 23, 2019 at 11:52:16 AM CDT_x000D_ Subject: System Message: Device Compromised!_x000D_ If you pay us $950 (USD) to our bitcoin address given below we will erase all the material on our server we posses on you, you will never hear from us again and the backdoor will close itself and we will no further have access to your system. We will also e-mail you what site contaminated your system so you can make sure your system stays safe._x000D_ If the transaction does not show up in our bitcoin address inside of 8 hrs MAXIMUM we will send the dirty content we posses of you to ALL your social media contacts and ALL your email contacts. This WILL CERTAINLY ruin your social life and the relations with your relatives!_x000D_ This is our bitcoin address: (copy/paste it, it is case sensitive):_x000D_ 12CdUDAPT8MPRhxbDUvovgNkxsDbc2S6at

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