1 Scam Reports



(comes with a fake story) ..._x000D_ _x000D_ You have the option to prevent me from doing all of this. All you need to do is_x000D_ to make the transfer of $999 to my bitcoin address. If you dont know how to make the transfer, search google for buy bitcoin. It is quick and easy. Trust me._x000D_ My bitcoin address to which you need to transfer is 113AQapiJHGCvBWcZMREFdVRNjZuUMeh5L_x000D_ _x000D_ Once I receive the transfer (i.e payment), I will delete your video and everything I have about you, and you will never hear a word from me again. My malware will also self destruct itself once I get the payment. You have 48 hours to make the payment. As I mentioned earlier, I have full access to your system. Now I know that you have read the email, so your time starts now. If you are thinking about filing a complaint, save your efforts, since it will not result in anything._x000D_ This email is untraceable, remember it been sent using your account only?

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